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Found 722 results for any of the keywords and affirming. Time 0.008 seconds.
First Church Glastonbury | Open and Affirming CongregationJoin our vibrant community of faith online or in person. First Church Glastonbury are an open, welcoming, and affirming people, called to dream and build God's community!
Find an Affirming Church - GayChurch.orgMinistering to LGBTQI Christians and our allies around the globe. We feature the largest welcoming and affirming church directory in the world.
List Churches by U.S. State / Canadian Province - GayChurch.orgMinistering to LGBTQI Christians and our allies around the globe. We feature the largest welcoming and affirming church directory in the world.
firstchurchglastonbury | First Church of Christ in Glastonbury, CT
Add / Update / Remove a Church Listing - GayChurch.orgThere is no charge or fee to list your congregation in our directory. We do not require you to register for our site, we will not send you unsolicited email, and we do not sell or distribute our database.
Homosexuality and the Bible - GayChurch.orgWe recommend the following articles (hosted here on for anyone who would like to understand more about homosexuality and the Bible. We also have an online bookstore offering books that address the topic of
Shop The Best T-Shirts And More For Men Women65 MCMLXV is a New York City-based contemporary Men’s and Women’s sportswear collection. Our mission is to help you express your individual style through fashion that is fun, positive and affirming even if you re not a f
First Church Glastonbury - YouTubeFirst Church is a vital, vibrant, and exciting family of faith which is open, welcoming, and affirming to all of God’s children! As faithful people, we are c...
Mizpah UCCAn Open and Affirming, Just Peace Congregation
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